News 28.08.2019 V Anniversary International Forum «Microelectronics 2019» 30 September - 04 October 2019 SemiTEq JSC will take part in the 5th Anniversary International Forum «Microelectronics 2019» in Alushta, Russia SemiTEq JSC invites all the participants to visit the reports of Dr. Petrov, Head of Application Lab, which he will present at 02-03 of October 2019 as well as to our booth on the exhibition in the hotel lobby. The 5th Anniversary International Forum «Microelectronics 2019» is an event of the year in the world of electronic technologies in Russia. The Forum «Microelectronics 2019» - is an independent platform for constructive dialogue between the scientific community, industrial associations and business representatives microelectronic cluster and related high-tech industries.The forum gathers more than 500 industry experts on its site annually, which makes it the largest specialized event in Eastern Europe. |